Fanfic: How I Survived… This Trailer Park… Social Networking… His Fate Will (015-018/100)

Originally posted at livejournal on 24 November 2013 @ 03:52 pm

All right then, I’d rather not think about RL rn. I’ve got research I’m procrastinating on as well as Christmas presents I should be working on. Also there is my thesis and ugh. Just nope. Do not want to think about any of it. Instead I’ve got recs! These are fics I’ve managed to read in the past month I cry at the small amount I’ve been able to read, damn thesis getting in the way and they’re all kind of amazing.

How I Survived My Summer Vacation, by Tamika Flynn, Age 12 3/4
by [personal profile] thingswithwings
word count: 5,516

It’s no secret that Welcome to Night Vale is my new obsession. When I discovered it I basically devoured all the Cecil/Carlos fic available on AO3 at the time. Now I can barely get through a page without feeling guilty about all the work I should be doing instead of spending time on fic. I even made a rec on DW for a particular fic that made me burst into tears from how perfect it was. Anyway, this fic? I was cheering by the end. So, so, so good. Tamika is my favorite recurring character of Night Vale right next to Dana, the intern and the Faceless Old Woman. Tamika is a bad ass and this fic? Brilliantly portrays how much of a bad ass she can be. Also it’s about books and finding a friend who may or may not be the love your life.

This Trailer Park Is a Shithole but Goddammit, It’s Home
by [personal profile] waketosleep
word count: 23,446

STAR TREK FIC!!! Okay I’ve been waiting for good long fic ever since the second movie came out but what with everyone’s disappointment over how bad it was don’t get me started on Khan, I had an argument with my brother about how disgusting the whitewashing was I haven’t gotten many. Then again I haven’t really been looking hard enough. Whatever. [personal profile] waketosleep‘s fics man. Her Star Trek fics are grade A stuff. They do not disappoint and this one was no exception. It’s a Trailer Park Boys fusion which I will probably watch because it’s all on Netflix.

Social Networking Encourages Stalkerish Tendencies
by secretforkeeps
word count: 16,598

Fluffy in the best way possible. I was screaming about how precious Merlin was. And yes, it’s meta. They’re all on tumblr and they mention Doctor Who and BBC Sherlock and even Homestuck at one point which just made me smile. Also it’s adorable. Have I mentioned that already? Super adorable. It’s not too long of a read either. I was surprised by how fast it was but I suppose it’s because of the short conversations that are meant to mimic Tumblr posts.

His Fate Will Be Unlearned
by scifigrl47
word count: 94,274

So Steve/Tony fics are kind of my favorite comfort fics atm. Especially all of scifigrl’s fics. Her Toasterverse? The best. I will reread those whenever I get a chance. Her AUs are long and always so rich with humor and angst. Also, I always know there’s a happy ending which hey, that’s got to count for something right? Anyway, I particularly love this AU because of the way in which she bends canon around. I’m fairly certain it’s all movie canon except for Tiberius Stone, Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel), and Sam Wilson (Falcon) who makes appearances but I don’t think comic knowledge is required for you to enjoy the story. My favorite tag she has on the fic: “I wrote a romance about public transportation screw it.” It’s a neat and accurate summary.

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